
One Poem by
Meredith MacLeod Davidson

Answering the Phone Over Miley Cyrus’s Bangerz

A stain somewhere sketched into mulch
chips a couple layers deep in time : permits

a pinecone arson enough to sprout vanguard
seed to ash – growth astrology

sentinel span of spindled pine to be chucked
and spread at the gummy soles of child

sandals : such ornamentation for appendages
seeking purchase on terrestrial ground

this flesh controlled access to this place
no matter the layer no wonder a baby

flaps boneless thighs to skies and a shoe
flies fugitive to blacktop : hours more

to drive away from a city
like Atlanta, a girl takes a call to talk shit

  a mutual’s out-of-wedlock pregnancy
she only answered because she’d ran

out of cigarettes : this is the last call
before the birth : before the funeral

Meredith MacLeod Davidson is a poet and writer from Virginia, currently based in Scotland, where she recently earned an MLitt in Creative Writing from The University of Glasgow. Meredith has work published or forthcoming in Cream City Review, Poetry South, Lone Mountain Literary Society and elsewhere, and serves as senior editor for Arboreal Literary Magazine.